Embassy Cargo

World Wide Cargo Mover

Working Hours

MON - SAT 09.00 - 19.00 SUNDAY       9.00 - 17.00

Contact Us

+971 4491 9199


Dubai Investment park 1, Fab Properties, W/H FG7 , Dubai, U.A.E

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Today and Let’s Elevate Your Logistics!

Contact Us

Feel free to talk to our representative at any time you please use our contact form on our website or one of our contact numbers. Let us build your future together.

You can always visit us at our HQ, we have a friendly staff and a mean cup of coffee.

for inquiries please call our Toll Free number 8003730
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Want to get a Quotation?

Fill out the form to get your quote within the hour. We cover all routes possible. We guaranty safe and timley product delivery either for your personal travel or your products.